1. 75號碼賓果:玩家獲得一張5×5的賓果卡片,上面隨機印有1至75的數字。遊戲主持人朗讀數字,玩家通過在卡片上劃掉對應的數字來完成一行、一列或對角線的連線,即可贏得獎勵。
2. 90號碼賓果:與75號碼賓果類似,但數字範圍擴大至1至90。玩家需要更多的時間和運氣來完成賓果卡片上的連線。

In the United States, bingo is a game of chance in which each player matches the numbers printed in different arrangements on cards. The game host (a caller) draws at random, marking the selected numbers with tiles. When a player finds that the selected numbers are arranged on their card in a row, they call out “Bingo!” to alert all participants to a winning card, which prompts the game host (or an associate assisting the host) to examine the card for verification of the win. Players compete against one another to be the first to have a winning arrangement for the prize or jackpot. After a winner is declared, the players clear their number cards of the tiles and the game host begins a new round of play. (資料來源 )


1. 社交互動:賓果遊戲通常在集體場合中進行,例如社區中心、賓館或網路平台。這為玩家提供了交流互動的機會,促進了社交聯繫。
2. 易於上手:賓果遊戲規則簡單易懂,不需要複雜的策略。這使得各個年齡層的玩家都能參與其中,從而擴大了其受眾基礎。
3. 激發期待:在遊戲過程中,玩家緊張期待著每個數字的宣讀,並盡力尋找是否有相符的號碼,這種期待感增加了遊戲的刺激性。
1. 純賭博性質:賓果遊戲的勝負主要基於運氣,缺乏策略和技巧的因素,使其更具純粹的賭博性質,可能導致不少玩家過度參與。
2. 成癮風險:由於賓果遊戲的刺激性質,一些玩家可能會沉迷其中,導致金錢和時間的過度投入。
1. 慈善賓果晚會:許多慈善機構利用賓果遊戲舉辦籌款晚會。參與者可以購買賓果卡,一部分收益將捐贈給慈善事業,從而在娛樂的同時實現社會貢獻。
2. 網路賓果平台:隨著網路科技的發展,網路賓果平台應運而生。例如,某些線上賓果網站為玩家提供了多種賓果變體,並在全球範圍內舉辦比賽,增加了遊戲的互動性和娛樂性。
In the US, the game is commonly staged by churches or charity organizations.[6][7] Their legality and stakes vary by state regulation. In some states, bingo halls are rented out to sponsoring organizations, and such halls often run games almost every day. Church-run games, however, are normally weekly affairs held on the church premises. These games are usually played for modest stakes, although the final game of a session is frequently a coverall game that offers a larger jackpot prize for winning within a certain quantity of numbers called, and a progressive jackpot is one that may increase per session until it is won. (資料來源 )